Pourquoi repartir une nouvelle fois?
Michelle: I wouldn't miss it for anything. I never expected to have so much fun.
A ton avis quelle est la qualité principale pour participer à cette course?
M: I think the ambiance between the HP and the other teams is incredible. There is a real sense of good sport and it's for a good cause.
Ton meilleur souvenir?
M: The night shift … with the b team. The sun coming up after running all night. Fouad driving us around.
The incredible Christelle.
Ton pire souvenir?
M: The relay! Vigile getting car sick! Fear that I would have to run the leg for the plus gros!
Si je te dis CDC, quelle musique te vient en tête?
M: Christelles and Virgile's CDs.
Si tu devais choisir une photo de la CDC….
M: The group pictures in Paris.
Un conseil à donner aux nouveaux?
M: Profit from the beautiful countryside and being outside and doing what you enjoy doing…. running.
Quelques photos en action:
2 commentaires:
Hi Michelle,
You are a super woman, you run and ride a bike like a champion, you are so funnY I have à good remerber with you and team B
Tanks a lot
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